I design and develop websites to catch faster your new customers.

I will assist you in creating a relevant website for your startup or project that early adopters can quickly test. By validating your assumptions about your target audience, I can guarantee that your product or service meets their needs and results in success.

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What I can do for you.

Product Strategy

Product strategy requires team collaboration to align goals, identify opportunities, and create customer value.


Establish core values, maintain a recognizable identity, and deliver a positive customer experience for a memorable brand.

Product Design

Prototyping is vital in product development to validate assumptions to identify issues and solve real customer problems.

Low Code Website

Starting with a low-code website is crucial for businesses to confirm market demand and refine product-market fit quickly and affordably.

About me

Hi! I'm Gautier. 👋

I am a Freelance Product Designer based in Berlin. With my four years of experience as an entrepreneur in Edtech and 2 years as a freelancer working on SaaS products and mobile apps, I aim to collaborate with other entrepreneurs in finding their product market fit. It's not an easy journey, but I'm passionate about it. So let's build a great product together.

Let's talk about your project.

Feel free to book a 30 min call with me in the following days the get my feedback.

Some of my projects

I had different roles in the projects below but was mainly a co-founder or product designer.
More details about the projects and the teams soon.


Full Orchestra

Full Orchestra is a curated community of musicians and music lovers. We select a sample together every month to start from the same inspiration. And then, a few weeks later, we all meet for a listening session and to share our compositions with a welcoming crowd.


Jungle Program

Over the past four years, Louis Rouffineau and I have dedicated ourselves to developing Jungle Program, a truly captivating journey. Our goal was to create a product that aids both junior and senior developers advance their careers. I am incredibly grateful for the knowledge I have gained and the individuals I have had the privilege of meeting. Working alongside such talented, passionate, and gracious people has allowed us to establish a remarkable global community of senior developers who support each other in overcoming their technical obstacles. Additionally, we have crafted exceptional part-time programs that enable developers to enhance their AI and Machine Learning skills.

Product Designer

Philosophie Magazine

Philosophie Magazine's website has undergone a significant update for both mobile and desktop versions. One of the primary obstacles was to develop 2 or 3 unique reading levels for articles displayed on the homepage, which are accessible as a news feed. Users can click to expand the article with an accordion effect if they wish to delve deeper into a particular subject. Additionally, the third reading level connects to a prior article on the same topic.

Musician / Music Composer

Gautier RQ

For the past decade, I've wanted to learn how to play the piano and invest more time into it. Unfortunately, some pianists discouraged me, stating that it would be impossible to reach a high level of proficiency at my age. However, I refuse to let their words defeat me. I commit one or two days weekly to enhance my piano and music composition abilities.

Product Designer

Issey Miyake

We designed an interactive platform for Issey Miyake's latest men's fragrance, Fusion. Users can create and share their own music compositions based on the four elements of nature. After making their tracks, users can export or share them or even edit them onto the global campaign video. They can also compete to win exclusive trips and fragrances from the brand.

Product Designer


MyStudiolo is a web application designed for art collectors to manage their artworks in a secure, efficient, and private manner. With the help of personalized concierge services, art collectors can receive comprehensive support in enhancing their collections.

Product Designer

Je suis animateur

An organization called Je Suis Animateur, which specializes in finding summer camp animators and providing related training, contacted us for assistance with redesigning their desktop and mobile websites to enhance the user experience. Through our efforts, we reduced the number of pages and interactions required to share job opportunities, access training, and obtain information about the field by 50%.

Product Designer

Open Work

Open Work is France's leading payroll company for consultants and freelancers. The umbrella company pays a freelancer or consultant, offering them complete commercial protection for their activity and an employee's social security. They asked me to create a new tool to allow their users to simulate their salary based on their sales figures.

Maybe you should start with a MVP

The importance of building an MVP for startups

MVP is a basic version of a product or service that offers value to the target market, helping startups validate their idea, save time and resources, get early feedback, and attract investors for greater success. By following this approach, startups can increase their chances of success in the competitive world of entrepreneurship.

Test your product idea

By developing an MVP, you can quickly test whether their product idea is something that customers want. If customers don't see any value in the MVP, then it's likely that your startup needs to pivot its idea or rethink the approach.

Save time and resources

Building a full-fledged product can take a lot of time and resources, which can be a significant challenge for startups with limited budgets and need to move quickly to stay competitive. Instead, your team can focus on the most essential and grow.

Get early feedback

By launching an MVP, startups can get early feedback from customers to improve their product over time. This can help them to identify potential roadblocks or issues early on and make necessary adjustments before investing more time and resources into a full product launch.

Attract investors

Investors are often more willing to invest in startups that have already proven that there is a market need for their product. By sharing precise growth metrics, startups can increase their chances of raising money from investors.

My tools to turn your project idea into a profitable business